Minutes AI Notes & Transcript uses advanced AI technology to automatically create detailed meeting notes. It captures audio, organizes it into formatted notes and summaries, and offers search functionality to quickly find key terms or topics. You can even ask questions like, "What stats did Laura mention during her presentation?"
With Minutes, you no longer need to worry about taking notes, allowing you to stay focused on the discussion. Your privacy is a priority, and all your data remains secure without being shared or sold to third parties.
Minutes is ideal for:
- Effortlessly capturing meeting notes and sharing them with your team
- Recording and transcribing interviews, presentations, podcasts, YouTube videos, webinars, and more
- Offering live captions for those who are deaf or for use in quiet environments
Real-Time Recording and Transcription
Start recording with a single click
- Define keywords for the AI to identify (such as technical terms, acronyms, or names)
-Set preferred transcription and summary languages (e.g., transcribe in Spanish, summarize in English)
- Access precise live transcription
- Easily review key takeaways after the recording
- Ask questions or interact with the transcription via AI
Smart AI Note Formatting
- Automatic punctuation, capitalization, and line structure
- Easily search for important terms within the transcription
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